Compare Member Benefit Options 2023

Members have a choice of ten benefit options tailored to meet their healthcare needs within different life stages and income levels. You can compare up to four benefit options to see what each option offers in comparison to the other.


How to compare benefit options
Select the benefit option that you want to include in the comparison and click on the “ADD TO COMPARE” button. The text will then change to “ADDED” or “VIEW COMPARE”.
When you have added all the options you want to compare (up to a maximum of 4), click the green “ADDED” or “VIEW COMPARE” button under a selected benefit option. A popup window will open with the comparison page.


How to add different benefit options to the comparison
On the popup window containing the comparison page, click the “X REMOVE” link above the benefit option that you want to remove from the comparison.
To remove all selected benefit options from the comparison, click the “CLEAR ALL” button at the top right of the popup window.
Close the popup window by clicking on the close button (little button with a cross on the bottom-right of the popup window).
IMPORTANT: You will now have to refresh the page to get all the buttons to display the correct text.
Click the “ADD TO COMPARE” button for products to be added to the comparison.
When done comparing, remove all selected benefit options before closing the page.

Compare By Options